Keel types. first thing, is to determine the material and configuration of your keel. the most common materials are cast iron and lead, though occasionally concrete and sometimes more expensive exotic materials are used.. Looking for opinions on what i should make the keel out of on the boat i am building. first and foremost...the boat will be lucky to last 5 years. keel material looking for opinions on what i should make the keel out of on the boat i am building. depends on what the permanent / final version will be using as a keel -- if you plan on. You can buy factory price wood plastic keel from a great list of reliable china wood plastic keel manufacturers, suppliers, traders or plants verified by a third-party inspector. source with confidence. liya 17feet frp hull material pvc rib marine yacht draft boat..
Model boat hull design - construction methods and hull types
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Construction materials and methods * wood – the traditional boat building material that was and is still used for hull and spar construction. it is buoyant, cheap, widely available and easily worked. as such, it is a popular material for amateur builders, especially for small boats (of e.g. 6-metre length; such as dinghies and sharpies).. Thus you want lots of material at the bottom and top (deck) of your hull girder. some extra weight in the keel is not a bad thing when something goes bump in the night. i would not be comfortable with only 2" by 5" of (continuous) longitudinal wood in a 40' boat.. Shipwright wooden boats by: mike wright read howard chapells boatbuilding, it is a must read. second keel and deadwood or backbone timbers are usually scarf jointed cut accurately and bolted together..