Annual boat cruise on behalf of paul caprio and the family pac aboard the ft. dearborn when: july 16th, 6pm check-in, 7-9 pm cruise where: north pier (corner of mcclurg ct. and east illinois st., chicago, il) refreshments by chicago from the lake dinner buffet by jewel catering the event will feature chad connelly as […]. The 2013 family-pac boat cruise was an excellent display of minority outreach by pro-life, pro-family leaders in illinois who came together to celebrate their success in stopping the passage of. The ultimate disney cruise packing list for your family vacation. what to pack and what to leave behind to make for an even more magical disney cruise. disney cruise family packing list. april 25, 2018 // by jennifer kaufman, or perhaps live off of a boat for a while. as she waits for such a grand adventure, she has dedicated herself to.
Family pac cruises lake michigan. posted on 07/31/2013 by cal skinner august 4, 2013. william kelly, chad koppie and steve baer. my favorite fund raiser of the year is the cruise put on by family pac every summer. jim wozniak aims to re-capture a quad cities state rep. seat for the republicans. on the drive down to chicago, it was raining and. *payment and reservations can also be made online at boat cruise reservation. for further information, please email or call 312-670-4238. co-sponsored by: family-pac $. Dropped price, asking 144,000 or reasonable offer for boat and trailer. this boat was designed to be commercial/utilitarian charter workhorse, but also my private family boat that can dive, fish, or cruise without the look of a commercial vessel..