I have a leak in my boat and upon inspection saw these damaged rivets in the keel. what would be the easiest, best way to fix this? aluminum boat repair: tig and some oxy acetylene. Good prices for aluminum keel. locate aluminum keel in stock here on the internet.. Re: keel repair on a aluminum boat hi shaf, we used to use fiberglass and epoxy to patch alum boat when they got to that stage.lasts for a while but delaminates eventualy.probably didn't use the right products but im sure they would be available now. just a thought..
This makes aluminum boats easier to repair than other designs. unfortunately, all boats suffer impact damage, collision or hard-grounding that can lead to leaks and cracked seams. fortunately, special brazen rods have been designed specifically to patch and fill in holes on damaged aluminum boats, allowing boat owners to perform self repairs.. Diy aluminum boat rivet repair is very easy with hts-735-11 fluxless aluminum brazing rod from aluminum-weld.com.. I would appreciate recommendations and common approach to aluminum boat repair from you pros. my friend has an aluminum boat that is taking water between the bottom of the boat and the keel, so evidently there is a split somewhere under the keel..